Way back in 1995ish....Mom brought home a little Lamancha doe called Merry Milker's Problematical. This little doe was the start of all the drama and crazy chaos that followed through the years starting with the herd name Beside Steele Waters, Mom's original herd name. She started a legacy that still today resides in my Mother's herd, Daylily Ridge. Back in the day, I had Alpines, Lamanchas, Saanens, Toggenburgs, Nubians, Sable and Recorded Grades. The breeds have changed over the years but I always keep coming back to the Lamanchas. They are just my favorite for their big personalities and little ears. When I was still in school, I showed on the National level. Thank goodness for Karen Smith for taking me under her wing and hauling me and my goats all over the nation. I had a 1st place Toggenburg kid in Spokane and a 3rd place Alpine Senior yearling in Des Moines. I enjoyed traveling and am hoping to get back on the National show circuit next year. When I started college, the goats were kind of placed on the back burner. I still had them but the herd took a major cut from about 55 milking does to 10, then I got married to my lovely Husband, Billy Cordle. Married life defiantly changed the outlook of my herd. I got a new herd name, Cordle Farm, and a husband that names a goat every year. If you ever have a question about a Cordle Farm goat's name, it might be related to line work. Power lines, that is, Johnny Ball is proof of that. My husband has been very supported of the goats. We have a new farm with a new barn that he designed. He also believes that I should start showing more and also showing the bucks.  

I grew up on a farrow to finish swine operation that was supplemented with a 40 head herd beef operation and tobacco. The goats were our 4-H project that has stayed the course of my life. Growing up Mom didn't want us alone at the barn with a beef steer or heifer. She had visions of coming home to little Sara and Anna with broken bones and what not. So, she got us sheep instead and let me tell you, sheep are not for everyone...... The year after that is when she went to George Mincey of Merry Milker's and brought home Problematical. The Problem child. That one little goat changed my life and the beehive, but we will not go into that. Though the years, I have learned that no matter what you plan, goats don't care about your plans and to always have a plan B, C, D and E. Hopefully, you never need plan F. Goats have taught me many different things like patience, though that might be the fact I'm the oldest with three other siblings. I have also gained confidence in myself and know that even if I'm standing dead last, it's not the end of the world. Tomorrow is another day. I really need to talk my mother into writing that book on 101 things not to do with a dairy goat, I might need those pointers later in life.

I have several plans for the future that the goats will not derail. One is to show more often in 2020. We bought and new truck and a trailer, so I've been told I can now cross state lines without worry. I also plan to get the girls on DHIR. Most of the does have their milk star already but I didn't get on milk test last year like I planned. I know that the first freshner's should have milked stared last year. I raised 8 bucket calves and 5 kids on 7 milkers with one being milked once a day. I have the herd DNA typed and all the kids registered next year will be parent verified. I am also thinking about casein testing the herd, but that is still in the air. If I do then, the results will be posted. I have two calves destined for the freezer and I will continue to raise bucket calves, patience willing. If you are interested in a beef calf please feel free to check out our sales page.  

UPDATE 03/21/2024!



And yes I will get better pics of the girls and boys as help can be rounded up. Husbands are good for names but they are not camera friendly.

Thank you for visiting our webpage and I hope that a Cordle Farm Lamancha or Saanen catches your heart like they have mine.